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Scout Troops & Cub Pack

The Germania Society is proud to host several youth scouting programs: Scout Troop 188 for Boys (ages 11 to 18) and Scout Troop 1188 for Girls (ages 11 to 18). 

Scouting is a great way for young people to get involved with Germania, the local community, as well as the broader Scouting organization.

Scouting prepares our youth for life, teaches self-reliance, and builds confidence. It enables boys and girls to work in a team environment and develop social skills that are necessary for a successful adult career.

Boy Scout Troop 188 was established in November of 2009 and offers youth leadership training, camping, and high adventure activities such as canoeing and hiking for ages 11-18.

Girl Scout Troop 1188 was established in 2019 and offers youth leadership training, camping, and high adventure activities such as canoeing and hiking for ages 11-18.

The Germania Cub Scout program Cub Pack 929 is co-ed for youth ages 5 to 11.

Stan Walton

Mark Pegram

Scott Questa

Kim Shreve
Asst. Scout Master 1188 Girls – Deborah Connelly
Treasurer – Kim Shreve

Deborah Connelly

Kim Shreve

Currently there are 5 Boy Scouts and 5 Girl Scouts and we welcome more members and volunteers.

If you are interested in becoming a Scout, please contact our Scout Master.